Extemporaneous Painting

“Walking with Leonardo”

31 May – 1 June- Extemporaneous painting – Terracina Historic City Centre


Art.1 – The Competition

As part of the ART FEST in May 31 and June 1, the Cultural Association “The Colours of life” and the Department of Culture with Patronage of the Town-Hall of Terracina, indicate the 1st Extemporary Painting Prize “City of Terracina “on the theme” Walking with Leonardo in the Historic City Centre” reserved for all Italian and foreign artists of any trend or artistic orientation.

During the competition the artists will be able to exhibit and sell their works to the public, in the space that they will choose.


Art.2 – Suggestions

The participating artists will elaborate their works with specific reference to beauties of Terracina Historic City Centre and the figure of Leonardo da Vinci.

All authors are invited to consider and reflect on the following indications:

– Paths of life, reported to the architecture and colors of Terracina Historic City Centre of and / or of the the Pontine plain: the sea, its canals, rivers, coastal lakes;

– Leonardo and his immense work, also in consideration of his intervention for the reclamation of the Pontine plain, approved in the 16th century by Pope Leo X and never completed ;

– the voices and characteristics of historic buildings and urban routes inside them;

– history and culture as the story and experience of each of us


Art.3 – Times and presentation of the canvases or other supports

The Estemporanea will take place on Saturday 1st June from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm with a fee registration fee of € 15.00 (fifteen) to be paid upon registration.

The registration includes the membership fee, insurance and a €5 as lunch voucher. All artists must present themselves in Piazza Municipio at the gazebo of the “Colori della Vita” starting at 8.30 am and before 11.00 am for authentication by means of a canvas stamp or other supports used to create the pictorial work that must have a minimum size of at least cm. 40 × 60. All pictorial techniques are allowed, of any genre, style or artistic current. The canvases or other supports will be stamped by the stamp of the cultural association “The colors of life” and must be white or monochrome.


Art.4 – Delivery

For extemporary trial, a commission will check the regular progress of the realization of the works. The following delivery of the decently framed works must take place by 4.30 pm to allow the Jury to evaluate them.

After delivery all the works will be exhibited inside the Municipal Hall.


Art.5 – Awarding

The prizes will be awarded at 6.30 pm in Piazza Municipio.


Art.6 – The Jury and evaluation criteria

For the evaluation the Jury Committee will take into account the relevance of the works to one or more suggestions proposed, as well as the originality of the contents and the technical quality of execution of the work.

The Jury will be composed of a commission of experts.


Art.7 – Acceptance of the regulation

The judgment of the commission is final and cannot be appealed and all the artists commit themselves to accept and comply with this regulation, under penalty of exclusion from the competition.

The winning works will become part of the collection of the Terracina Town-Hall, the which can then also be reserved for an Exhibition and publication of any materials typographical (brochures, catalogs etc.) in which case the winning artists will receive a free copy of printed typographic material.

By registering, competitors authorize the Organization to process personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and additions, for the purposes referred to in this announcement and send to the competitors, material related to future initiatives that will be organized.

Art.8 – Responsibility

The association “The Colours of life” and the Terracina Town- Hall are not taken on no liability for theft, damage, loss of the works.

The non-awarded works may be withdrawn at the prize-giving ceremony, works not collected by June 30, 2019 will be considered the property of the Cultural Association ” The Colours of life”.


Art.9 – Competition Referrals:

Dr. Gemma Marigliani tel: 3471123309

Prof. Armando Sodano tel: 3472771454





Art.10 – Target and Prizes

The purchase prizes are divided as follows:

1st place, € 1000.00 (one thousand)

2nd place, € 600.00 (six hundred)

3rd place, € 400.00 (three hundred)

4th place, € 200.00 (two hundred)

5th place, € 200.00 (two hundred)

6th place, € 200.00 (two hundred)

7th place € 200.00 (two hundred)

– Additional prizes can also be awarded during the event.

– All non-awarded works can be sold privately by the artist.

– Prizes will be delivered by bank transfer after payment by the Municipality of the contribution granted within 120 days.

For a correct prize-giving it is essential that the winning artists collect the prize in person.
